So a couple of weeks ago, a bunch of us went to the Honey Jams Performance to see what it was all about,all this hoopla about jams and honey i mean who wouldnt go lol.And after all that ,apparently there is alot of female musical talent in the Toronto Area that are actaully really good!.Essentially it is a yearly showcase that inlvolves heavy tryouts to see who makes it to the final show. Now im ususally a strong criticiser of music acts,but i must say that all of them(well most lol)came really hard.From the Jazz acts to the R&B and the Hip Hop ones.It was really a sight to see. Notable mentions that did well,were
KG( multitalented,danced well,Cookie Couture(5 girl group)(,well choreographed contained that "it" factor that is lacking this side of the boarder,Tika Simone( different,very talented,nothing you see everyday,just a really good perfomer , vocalist and lyricsist,lots of charisma as well.Trish( banging performance visually,nice production,swag was in full effect for her,
Leila( nice performance and vocal range & the acoustic Duo of Yummei( who were very unique and whom performed very well
Unfortunately,we did not have footage of everyones peformance(come on who does that)But we do have the 20 + Minute Freestyle at the end of the show which showcases all of them improvising on the spot which in my opinnion shows if true talent,You be the judge.(oh yeah and you may see comments on the screen and hear my voice so listen carefully lol)Keep Griding Girls, GSX got you. If any of the artists has any comments or questions for us dont hesistate to email : )

Part 1

Part 2

And after some Snooping, i found some of the Performances, note: we did not record so dont get mad!

Cookie Couture


I'll post more if i see them. take care yall